
  • 环境:


  • 背景:
    • 在增加出库订单时需要对物品表的的数量进行修改


    • Description:
      The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle:
      | getGoodsNumber defined in class path resource [com/QRproject/project/system/controller/GoodsController.class]
      Relying upon circular references is discouraged and they are prohibited by default. Update your application to remove the dependency cycle between beans. As a last resort, it may be possible to break the cycle automatically by setting spring.main.allow-circular-references to true.

  • 代码:
    • 在OutboundController中创建了个公共方法,并将其注入到Spring中:(以下方法均未开启事务支持) 
    •  1 @RestController
       2 @RequestMapping("/goods")
       3 public class GoodsController {
       5     @Autowired
       6     private IGoodsService goodsService;
       7     @Bean
       8     public boolean deleteGoodsNum(Integer goodsId,Integer goodsNum){
       9         Goods goods = goodsService.getById(goodsId);
      10         goods.setGoodsNumber(goods.getGoodsNumber()-goodsNum);
      11         goodsService.updateById(goods);
      12         return true;
      13     }
      14 }
    • 接着我在OutboundController中注入GoodsController
    •  1 public class OutboundController {
       2     @Autowired
       3     private IOutboundService outboundService;
       4     @Autowired
       5     private GoodsController goodsController;
       7     @PostMapping
       8     public Result<?> addOutbound(@RequestBody Outbound outbound){
       9         goodsController.deleteGoodsNum(outbound.getGoodsId(),outbound.getGoodsNumber());
      10         LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
      11         outbound.setOutTime(localDateTime);
      12         outboundService.save(outbound);
      13         return Result.success("增加出库订单成功");
      14     }
      15 }
    • 运行完便报错了
  • 解决:
    • 引发的原因是因为两个类进行了相互的调用,触发了spring的循环依赖检查

      SpringBoot中2.6后开启了循环依赖检查,并默认关闭了循环依赖支持 可以在配置中开启

      诚然造成循环依赖是一个bad habit 我们需要另外一种解决方法:

    • 1.试着把goodsServices注入过来结果还是一样
    • 2.使用@Lazy 懒加载注解 还是不行
    • 1 @Lazy
      2 @Autowired
      3 private GoodsController goodsController;
    • 3.试了一下在配置中开启循环依赖支持结果也不行。。
    • 1 spring:
      2     main:
      3         allow-circular-references: true
    • 4.最后只好老实敲代码进行解耦了
      • goodsPublicService
      • 1 @Service
        2 public interface goodsPublicService extends IService<Goods>{
        3     void deleteGoodsNum(Integer goodsId, Integer goodsNumber);
        4 }
      • goodsPublicServiceImpl:
      • 1 @Service
        2 public class goodsPublicServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<GoodsMapper, Goods> implements goodsPublicService {
        3     public void deleteGoodsNum(Integer goodsId,Integer goodsNum){
        4         Goods goods = this.baseMapper.selectById(goodsId);
        5         goods.setGoodsNumber(goods.getGoodsNumber()-goodsNum);
        6         this.baseMapper.updateById(goods);
        7     }
        8 }
      • OutboundController:
      • 1 @PostMapping
        2 public Result<?> addOutbound(@RequestBody Outbound outbound){
        3    goodsPublicService.deleteGoodsNum(outbound.getGoodsId(),outbound.getOutNum());
        4    LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.now();
        5    outbound.setOutNum(outbound.getOutNum());
        6    outbound.setOutTime(localDateTime);
        7    outboundService.save(outbound);
        8    return Result.success("增加出库订单成功");
  • 成功运行!

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